You may encounter various issues when building your site. This is especially true as you add more functionality from plugins and custom code. You can follow the below steps to isolate the issue you’re facing and potentially remedy the situation.
For each of the steps below you will need to pure your browsers cache. This can be achieved in most browsers by pressing Ctrl+F5. If your browser is still showing cached content you may need to purge it of all data (except form data and passwords) by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Del.
Mobile devices have very persistent caching. If you find your devices browser is still showing old content you may need to go to your app settings, in your devices settings, and purge all cached data.
You should carry out any testing in a staging or local environment. If you do not know if you have access to a staging environment speak to your host. If running your site in a staging environment or locally is not an option for you then make a full backup of your sites files and database before proceeding.
Note: The images shown use KLEO as a representative example. The process remains the same regardless of the SeventhQueen theme you use.
Disable Caching, Performance and Minification
If you’re experiencing an issue go to WP Admin > Plugins and disable all caching, performance and minifcation plugins. You should also speak to your host about any server side caching like Varnish or Redis – if this is enabled then you should ask your host to temporarily disable this for you.
Once disabled visit the front end of your website and clear your browsers cache (Ctrl+F5).
Keep caching disabled for the remainder of the below tests.
Note: When building your site you should not use caching as your changes will not be immediately visible to you. Enable and configure caching as part of your last steps before launching your site.
Update Theme
Make sure you have the Envato Market plugin installed and configure to receive the latest updates. Check for updates to your theme by going to WP Admin > Dashboard > Updates, WP Admin > Appearance > Themes or WP Admin > Envato Market.
Install any pending update, visit the front end of your website, and clear your browsers cache (Ctrl+F5).
Update Plugins
Ensure you’ve got the latest updates to any WordPress.org plugins by going WP Admin > Dashboard > Updates. Install any pending updates.
Ensure you’ve got the latest updates to any SeventhQueen plugins, including bundled premium plugins, by going WP Admin > Appearance > Install Plugins. Install any pending updates.
Once you have completed all pending updates, visit the front end of your website, and clear your browsers cache (Ctrl+F5).
Disable Plugins
Disable all third party plugins (plugins that did not come with Typer) by going to WP Admin > Plugins, tick the check boxes for all plugins that did not come with the theme, and select ‘Deactivate’ from the bulk drop down menu.
You may need to further rule out issues with bundled plugins. You can disable all plugins by going to WP Admin > Plugins, select all, and select ‘Deactivate’ from the bulk drop down menu.
Note: If the issue is visible only on a particular plugin page, for example ‘Activity’ in BuddyPress, then keep the specific plugin active.
Once you have disabled the plugins go to the front end of your website and clear your cache (Ctrl+F5). If the issue is no longer present then it was being caused by a plugin you deactivated. Enable the plugins again, one by one, checking the front end each time – until the issue returns. Once the issue returns you will have identified the plugin causing the issue (the last plugin activated).
Switch to Typer Parent Theme
If you’re using the child theme it’s likely that you have made changes to the CSS or PHP files. Switch to the Typer parent theme by going to WP Admin > Appearance > Themes to rule out your custom changes as the cause.
Once you have switched themes visit the front end of your site and clear your cache. If the issue is no longer present then changes you have made to the theme are causing the issue. Remove your changes one by one until you find the cause.
Note: We cannot provide support for third party code and custom changes you may have made
Switch to Default Theme
Go to WP Admin > Appearance > Themes and install/activate either Twenty Seventeen or Twenty Nineteen. Once you have switched visit the front end of your website and clear your cache.
Enable Debugging
Using your favourite code editor edit your wp-config.php file before the line that reads /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
and add one of the below snippets to enable error logging on your website.
Error logging
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
Error logging with display enabled
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true );
Check the generated logs for details on what, if any, error is occurring and from which source the error is coming from.
For more information, and more advanced options, check the WordPress Codex here https://codex.wordpress.org/Debugging_in_WordPress.
Issue is still present
If the issue is still present after completing all appropriate steps then please feel free to open a new ticket and we will happy to help you.
Note: Please let the support team know which of the above steps you have completed when opening a new ticket.