In this tutorial we shall look at how to customize both header and footer sections. These customisations can also be applied in case the user has not imported any demo content. Every WordPress site has these two sections and they are very important for various reasons such as navigation and display of custom features such as contact info. To get started we shall begin with the header section and show you how to add menu sections.
Adding menus to header section
Menus are considered an important feature due to navigation purposes. This is where you should place your site’s main pages.
- To do so go to your WordPress Dashboard >> Appearance >> Menus.
- It will prompt you to give a name for the menu.
- Next you need to select various pages, custom links, or categories of your site as you click on “Add to Menu”
- Once done click on ” Create Menu”.
- Once it has reloaded, click on the ” Menu Location”.
- Then assign the new menu you created to a theme location in this case its “Primary”.
- Alternatively, users can scroll down Menu Settings and select “Display Location ” from there.
- Once done click on Save Changes.
Header Customisations
In this section we shall look at how you can change the look of your header. We shall also find out how to add a section of search bar. Typer theme comes with various ways to do this as shown below.
- First you need to access your WordPress Dashboard >> Appearance >> Customize
- This redirects you to the default WordPress Customizer.
- Click on Header settings and choose settings accordingly.
- You can toggle on dark mode to display the header in dark mode instead of light mode
- Users can also enable the sticky header behaviour on scrolling.
- Next you can toggle on ” Search ” to display the search bar.
- Finally you can also choose a Menu alignment from (left,right or center).
- Once done click on Publish and preview your changes.
Footer Elements
In this section we look at how one can change or include footer elements in the Typer theme. In most WordPress themes, footers are made up of Widgets that feature recent posts, social profiles subscription among others. Users can set their widgets according to what they want to display.
- To do this, head over to the WordPress Dashboard >> Appearance >> Widgets.
- On the right side you notice that it has a Primary, Secondary and 4 Footer Sidebars. Users can add sidebars as they wish.
- The four footers are arranged in that order horizontally in terms of columns in the Typer theme.
- To add a widget, simply drag and drop it to the specific Footer Sidebar.
- You can then alter the settings of the Widget depending on the one you chose.
- Once done repeat that in all the other footer sidebars.