All the theme settings are found under WP admin – Appearance – Customizer – Typer options. Here you can find the following sections:
- Layout (check overview below);
- Site colors: Change the overall site colors, buttons colors and background;
- Typography: Choose from hundreds of Google Fonts for your text, headings and quotes;
- Footer: you can set here the copyright text;
- Header: you can set the header sticky and/or make it always black;
- Performance: You can choose to Enable/Disable image lazy load and to preload some theme loaded assets;
- 404 Page: Customize the appearance of your page, choose an image and related links to suggest for your users;
- Miscellaneous: Basic maintenance mode and to enable development mode, which will load all the theme assets not minified;
- Page (check overview below);
- Related posts (check overview below);
- Listing posts (check overview below);
- Comments: Choose to display the comments in a modal or in page;
- Post navigation: Choose to display the next/prev post navigation in page or bottom sticky;
- Featured content (check overview below).
To set up the site layout you should navigate to Typer > Layout in your WordPress Customizer.
Here you have some nice options (besides the sidebar options which we covered here <- link to sidebars):
- Normal or boxed layout? Note that this option applies for the entire website. If you want a boxed layout you can turn on the option and also set the width of the box.
- Container width for General and Posts. As long as you have no sidebars you will be able to set the container’s width.
- Also when you have a layout with sidebars you can make them sticky, it is a great functionality for long content.
Here you can customize the title section of your pages.
You can choose to show or hide the breadcrumbs and the size and the position of your titles.
Also, a cool design effect is to enable the Parallax Shapes which will give your pages a nicer look.
Related posts
You can pick 2 types of related articles:
- Generally related
- Related to the current author
The difference between them is that the 2nd option will get only related posts of the current author and group the results by category. Both of them look fancy but if your authors don’t have so many posts we suggest you use the first option.
There’s also an option to choose how your featured image/video/gallery of your posts should be displayed. You can pick between Normal and Wide.
Listing posts
You can pick how your posts are listed in your blog. You have 2 options:
- List
- Masonry
For masonry there’s also an option to choose how your featured image/video/gallery of your posts should be displayed.
Other than that, you can choose what meta to be displayed and if the categories should show or not.
Featured content
Featured content shows at the top of the blog page.
By default it will grab all the “sticky” posts and show them in a carousel, grouped by category. You can set a post tag also and all the posts with that tag will be also displayed in the featured content section.
All the posts displayed in the featured content section will be excluded from the page listing.
Of course, if you wish, you can disable this section.