You can change the info that displays under the name and the details field by adding this to your sweetdate-child/functions.php file:
//members page fields
function kleo_my_member_data()
global $kleo_config;
//this is the details field, right now it take the "About me" field content
$kleo_config['bp_members_details_field'] = 'About me';
//this display the fields under the name, eq: 36 / Woman / Divorced / Berlin. Modify with the names of the fields you want to appear there
$kleo_config['bp_members_loop_meta'] = array(
'I am a',
'Marital status',
Also if the fields don’t appear add this line, reload the members page and you can remove the line after that(we have added a caching on those fields for better performance):
delete_transient( 'kleo_bp_meta_fields' );
Just replace those profile field names in the code with our one custom ones.
Hope it helps 🙂