We have created some demo sliders so you have a starting point. You can see the sliders in action at our demo site: http://seventhqueen.com/demo/sweetdatewp
To import the slider:
– Go to WordPress Admin -> Revolution Slider -> Import Slider.
– Browse to the Demo content folder, located in the package downloaded, and go to revolution_slider.
– Choose one of the files and click Import Slider
You can add revolution slider:
– to Homepage from Sweetdate -> Homepage
– to post/page header section from the page edit -> General settings -> Header settings
– to post/page content using the displayed shortcode
We also included the custom slider bullets and arrows in folder revslider_assets. If you want to use them you have to replace the default ones located in wp-content/plugins/revslider/rs-plugin/assets/
Please see full Revolution Slider documentation http://themepunch.com/codecanyon/revolution_wp/documentation/