Starting with KLEO 4.0 you can now define your own custom styling presets to apply to sections from Theme options – Styling.
To add a custom color preset just add this code to your kleo-child/functions.php file and modify the values to match your needs:
add_filter('section_color_presets', 'kleo_my_add_custom_color_preset');
function kleo_my_add_custom_color_preset( $presets ) {
$presets['my-preset-slug'] = array(
'alt' => 'My color preset name',
'img' => KLEO_LIB_URI . '/assets/images/presets/deep-purple-ac-amber.jpg', //path to custom image
'presets' => array(
'text' => '#ffffff',
'headings' => '#ffffff',
'bg' => '#673ab7',
'border' => 'transparent',
'link' => '#ffffff',
'link_hover' => '#d1c4e9',
'high_color' => '#ffffff',
'high_bg' => '#ffc107',
'alt_bg' => '#7e57c2',
'alt_border' => '#7e57c2',
return $presets;