Ajax Search Form
Example usage :
[kleo_search_form context="post,page,gd_place,portfolio" placeholder="Custom text placeholder"]
Name | Value | Description |
context | default:none | Enter what post formats to show separated by comma |
placeholder | default:none | Placeholder text for search input |
type | default:both | Just form submit, just ajax results or both. Values: both, form_submit, ajax |
form_style | default:default | This affects the look of the form. Default has a border and works for white backgrounds. Values: default, transparent |
Example usage :
[kleo_gap size="12px" class="" id=""]
Name | Value | Description |
size | default:12px | Enter in the size of your gap. Pixels, ems, and percentages are all valid units of measurement. |
class | default:none | A class to add to the element for CSS referrences. |
id | default:none | Unique id to add to the element for CSS referrences |
Custom inline style | default:none | add your custom css inline |
Divider with icon
Example usage :
[kleo_divider type="double" double="yes" position="right" text="" class="" id=""]
Name | Value | Description |
type | full,long,short default: full |
The type of the divider. |
double | yes, no default: no |
Have the divider double lined. |
position | center, left, right, default : center |
icon | Default: none | Choose the icon to display |
icon_size | normal,large default: normal |
Where to apply the snow affect. To the parent column element or to the whole window. |
text | Default: none | |
id | Default: none | Unique id to add to the element for CSS referrences |
class | Default: none | A class to add to the element for CSS referrences. |
style | Default: none | Where to apply the snow affect. To the parent column element or to the whole window. |
Feature Items Grid
Example usage:
[kleo_grid type="36" animation="yes"]
[kleo_feature_item]Feature item 1[/kleo_feature_item]
[kleo_feature_item]Feature item 2[/kleo_feature_item]
Name | Value | Description |
type | one,two,three,fourDefault: one | Select how many items you want per row. |
animation | yes,noDefault: no | Animate elements inside the grid one by one |
colored_icons | no,yesdefault : no | Show colored icons. Color will be taken from the Highlight color from Theme options |
style | default,boxDefault: default | Show bordered icons |
bordered_icons | no,yesDefault: no | Show bordered icons |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Example Usage
[kleo_icon icon="android" icon_size=""]
Name | Value | Description |
icon | Default: none | Choose the icon to display |
tooltip_position | left,top,right,bottom Default: left |
In which position to show the tooltip/popover |
tooltip_action | hover,click Default: hover |
When to trigger the popover |
href | default: none | Type a http:// address |
target | _blank,_self Default: _blank |
In which position to show the tooltip/popover |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
icon_size | regular2x3x4xdefault : regular | When to trigger the popover |
tooltip | no,tooltip,popover Default: no |
Type a http:// address |
tooltip_title | Default: none | |
tooltip_text | Default: none |
Fancy List
Example Usage:
[kleo_list_item]Lorem ipsum[/kleo_list_item]
[kleo_list_item]Lorem ipsum[/kleo_list_item]
Name | Value | Description |
type | standard, icons, ordered, ordered-roman,unstyled Default: standard |
Select the list type. |
icon_color | yes Default: none |
divider | no, solid, dashed Default: no |
align | left, center, right, none Default: none |
Align the list. |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
List Item
Works inside the kleo_list shortcode only
Example Usage:
[kleo_list_item icon="attention"]Lorem Ipsum[/kleo_list_item]
Name | Value | Description |
icon | Default: none | Select icon from list |
Animated Numbers
Example Usage:
[kleo_animate_numbers animation="animate-when-almost-visible" timer=""]100[/kleo_animate_numbers]
Name | Value | Description |
animation | animate-when-almost-visible, animate-when-visible Default: none |
timer | Default: none | Enter the number to animate |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Example Usage
[kleo_visibility type="hidden-xs,hidden-sm,hidden-md,hidden-lg,visible-xs,visible-sm,visible-md,visible-lg" el_class="extraclass"][/kleo_visibility]
Name | Value | Description |
type | hidden-xs,hidden-sm,hidden-md,hidden-lg,visible-xs,visible-sm,visible-md,visible-lg Default: none |
Hide/Show content by screen size. |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Example Usage:
[kleo_pin type="circle" left="" right="" top="" bottom=""]
Name | Value | Description |
type | icon,circle,POI Default: icon |
Type of pin |
icon | Default: none | Choose the icon to display. |
top | Default: none | Enter only pixels and percentage, eq. 50px or 15% |
left | Default: none | Enter only pixels and percentage, eq. 50px or 15% |
right | Default: none | Enter only pixels and percentage, eq. 50px or 15% |
bottom | Default: none | Enter only pixels and percentage, eq. 50px or 15% |
tooltip_position | left,right,bottom,top Default: left |
Enter only pixels and percentage, eq. 50px or 15% |
tooltip | tooltip,popover Default: tooltip |
To show it as a tooltip or as a popover |
animation | animate-when-almost-visible, animate-when-visible Default: none |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Example Usage:
[kleo_clients animated="yes" animation="appear" number="5" target="_blank" tags="" el_class="customclass"]
Name | Value | Description |
animated | yes, no Default: yes |
Animate the icons when you first view them |
animation | fade, appear Default: fade |
Choose the icon to display. |
target | default:none | |
number | Default: 5 | How many images to show |
tags | Default: none | Filter by tags |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Example Usage:
[kleo_testimonials type="simple" specific_id="yes" ids="99" tags="" height="200px" el_class="extraclass"]
Name | Value | Description |
animated | simple, carousel Default: simple |
specific_id | yes, no Default: no |
Choose the icon to display. |
ids | default:none | Comma separated list of ids to display. |
number | Default: 5 | |
height | Default: none | Force a height on all elements. Expressed in pixels, eq: 300 will represent 300px |
tags | Default: none | Filter by tags |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Members Carousel
Example Usage:
[kleo_bp_members_carousel type="active" number="15" min_items="2" max_items="7" image_size="thumb" rounded="square" item_width="155" autoplay="yes" online="noshow" class="customclass"]
Name | Value | Description |
type | active, newest, popular, online, alphabetical, random Default: active |
The type of members to display. |
number | Default: 12 | How many members to get. |
min_items | Default: 1 | Minimum number of items to show on the screen |
max_items | Default: 6 | Maximum number of items to show on the screen |
image_size | thumbnail, full Default: full |
The size to get from buddypress |
rounded | rounded, square default: rounded. |
Rounded or square avatar |
item_width | Default: 150px | The size of the member image |
autoplay | no, yes Default: no |
If the carousel should play automatically |
online | show, hide Default: show |
Show online status |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Members Grid
Example Usage:
[kleo_bp_members_grid type="active" number="12" perline="nine" rounded="rounded" animation="appear"]
Name | Value | Description |
type | active, newest, popular, online, alphabetical, random, Default: active |
The type of members to display. |
number | Default: 12 | How many members to get. |
perline | one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,eleven ,twelve Default: one |
How many members to show per line |
rounded | rounded, square default: rounded. |
Rounded or square avatar |
animation | fade, appear Default: none |
Maximum number of items to show on the screen |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Members Masonry
Example Usage:
[kleo_bp_members_masonry type="newest" number="15" rounded="square" online="noshow" class="myclass"]
Name | Value | Description |
type | active, newest, popular, online, alphabetical, random, Default: active |
The type of members to display. |
number | Default: 12 | How many members to get. |
rounded | rounded, square default: rounded. |
Rounded or square avatar |
online | show, hide Default: none |
Maximum number of items to show on the screen |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Groups Carousel
Example Usage:
[kleo_bp_groups_carousel type="most-forum-posts" number="12" min_items="1" max_items="6" image_size="full" rounded="rounded" item_width="150"]
Name | Value | Description |
type | active, newest, popular, online, alphabetical, random, most-forum-topics, most-forum-posts Default: active |
The type of members to display. |
number | Default: 12 | How many members to get. |
min_items | Default: 1 | Minimum number of items to show on the screen |
max_items | Default: 6 | Maximum number of items to show on the screen |
image_size | thumbnail, full Default: full |
The size to get from buddypress |
rounded | rounded, square default: rounded. |
Rounded or square avatar |
item_width | Default: 150px | The size of the member image |
autoplay | no, yes Default: no |
If the carousel should play automatically |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Groups Grid
Example Usage:
[kleo_bp_groups_grid type="active" number="12" perline="one" rounded="rounded" animation="appear" class="myclass"]
Name | Value | Description |
type | active, newest, popular, online, alphabetical, random, Default: active |
The type of Groups to display. |
number | Default: 12 | How many Groups to get. |
perline | one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,eleven ,twelve Default: one |
How many Groups to show per line |
rounded | rounded, square default: rounded. |
Rounded or square avatar |
animation | fade, appear Default: none |
Maximum number of items to show on the screen |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Groups Masonry
Example Usage:
[kleo_bp_groups_masonry type="newest" number="15" rounded="square" online="noshow" class="myclass"]
Name | Value | Description |
type | active, newest, popular, online, alphabetical, random, Default: active |
The type of Groups to display. |
number | Default: 12 | How many Groups to get. |
rounded | rounded, square default: rounded. |
Rounded or square avatar |
online | show, hide Default: none |
Maximum number of items to show on the screen |
el_class | Default: none | If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file. |
Activity Stream
Example Usage:
[[kleo_bp_activity_stream number="6" post_form="no" show_button="yes" button_label="View All Activity" button_link="/activity"]]
Name | Value | Description |
show | all,blog, groups, friends, profile,status Default: all |
The type of activity to show |
number | Default: 6 | How many activity streams to show |
post_form | yes,no default:no |
Shows the form to post a new update |
show_button | yes, no Default: yes |
Show a button with link to the activity page |
button_label | Default: View All Activity | Button text |
button_link | Default: /activity | Put here the link to your activity page |
Activity Page
Example Usage:
Name | Value | Description |
kleo_bp_activity_page | Default: none | Show the activity page |
Pricing Tables
Example Usage:
[kleo_pricing_table columns="4" style="2"][kleo_pricing_table_item title="Column title" price="$10" popular="yes" button_label="Button txt" features="featureslist"]lorem ipsum[/kleo_pricing_table_item][/kleo_pricing_table]
Name | Value | Description |
title | Default: custom Title | |
price | Default: custom Title | |
popular | yes, no Default: no |
Shows this column with a different style |
textarea_html | Default: none | Enter description column here |
features | Default: none | |
button_label | Default: select | |
link | Default: none |
Galaxy Particles
Example Usage:
[kleo_particles number="88" size="6" color="#ffffff"]
Name | Value | Description |
number | Default: 88 | Particles number |
size | Default: 6 | Particles size |
color | Default: #FFFFFF | Particles color |
You can use the particle.js generator here to make your own and transfer the settings https://vincentgarreau.com/particles.js/
News Focus
Example Usage:
[kleo_news_focus name="name" featured="5" posts_query="size:10|order_by:date"]
Name | Value | Description |
name | Default: name | Enter a selection name |
featured | Default: 5 | Enter the number of post to highlight and show big on the left column. |
posts_query | Default: size:10|order_by:date | If you refine your posts by category then they will show as tabbed content in the shortcode |
Kleo Posts
Example Usage:
[kleo_posts loop="size:12|order_by:date"]
Name | Value | Description |
query_offset | Default: 0 | If you want to add an offset to the wp_query posts |
loop | Default: size:2|order_by:date | Posts query args, see https://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Query |
post_layout | grid|small|standard Default: grid | What layout to generate |
columns | Default: 4 | Applies to grid layout onlyHow many items to show per row. A number between 2 and 6. |
show_thumb | yes|just_1|just_2|just_3|no Default: yes | Applies to standard layout onlyShow Thumbnail image. A number between 2 and 6. |
show_switcher | yes|no Default: no | If you want to show layout switcher options |
switcher_layouts | masonry,standard,small Default: masonry,standard,small | What options to show in the layout switcher |
show_meta | yes|no Default: yes | Show post meta |
inline_meta | yes|no Default: no | Applies to Standard Layout only. Shows the post meta elements in one line if enabled. |
show_excerpt | yes|no Default: yes | Show post excerpt |
show_foter | yes|no Default: yes | Show|Hide read more button and post likes |
load_more | yes|no Default: no | Enable Load more posts via AJAX. |