The theme is translation ready and fully supports WPML for managing a multilingual website. You can translate it to any language or even set multiple languages.
You can find out more about how to translate WordPress into your language here\_WordPress Our .PO file is located in languages/ folder inside the theme’s folder.
Fast way to translate seeko theme into your own language
The easiest way to translate this theme is to use “Loco Translate” plugin.
Install the plugin and follow these steps:
- Go to Tools > Manage Translations
- Find “seeko” and click “New language” if the language you want is not already added by us. If the language already exists then just click the language to edit it.
- Select the language to add and also you can choose to save it in the global wp-content/languages folder so it is kept after a theme update.
- Now you just translate the words you need.
- Click “Save” when you are done translating to save the .mo file automatically in your WordPress site.
Note: Plugins with larger files, such as rtMedia, may require you to change the file size limit in Loco Translate to get all possible strings. You can update this by going to WP Admin > Loco Translate > Settings > Tab: Site Options > Option: ‘Extracting strings’ and setting the value for ‘Skip PHP files larger than’ to 600K.