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Chapter: Sidebar & Widgets

Setting a layout to specific page, Sidebar locations.

How to Set Layout of Different Pages in Typer

In this tutorial we shall see the various types of layout found in the Typer theme and how you can apply it in different pages within your website. These types of layouts depend on two situations one is the content width and the presence of sidebars. Typer theme comes with six types of layouts depending on the set of sidebars. […]

Sticky sidebars

You have the option to set sticky your main and secondary sidebars for your general layout and for the single post layout also. More than that, Typer Pro gives you the option to set the sidebar sticky only on a particular post if you wish.

Setting a layout template globally

This will set the default site layout, but it can be overridden at page level when editing a page or a post. But just so you won’t have to override every time for each post, we split the option into 2 different options. So you can set the site layout for general and for posts. From the WordPress admin, go […]

Sidebar locations

Widgets allow you to customize different areas of the site. Typer has 6 locations where you can add Widgets and you can see them in the image. Main Sidebar – will show on the left or right of the page’s content Secondary Sidebar – will show on the left or right of the page’s content Footer column 1-4 – will […]

Setting a layout to specific page

If you’d like to show or hide sidebars on specific pages only and not on all pages/posts, you can do this in the page editor in Post Options section. Here is how to show a sidebar on the right side of the content on a specific page: Go to WP Admin – Pages Edit the page you want to change […]