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Chapter: Shortcodes

Everything about our theme Shortcodes.

Homepage status icon shortcode

This shortcode generates members statistics with an icon based on the type attribute. If you have translated your default members profile fields then you need to change the gender in the type attribute to match you translated one. Example: [kleo_status_icon type=”Homme” image=”http://seventhqueen.com/demo/sweetdatewp/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/apple-touch-icon-144×144.png” subtitle=”Homme”]

Buddypress User Data Shortcodes

Easy access BuddyPress user data with the help of the below shortcodes: [kleo_total_members] – Total members [kleo_members_online] – Online members [kleo_women_online] – Women online [kleo_men_online] – Men online The above code will generate the live data from your site:

Layout shortcodes

[kleo_row] [kleo_one] One Column[/kleo_one] [/kleo_row] [kleo_row] [kleo_one_half] One half [/kleo_one_half] [kleo_one_half] One half [/kleo_one_half] [/kleo_row] [kleo_row] [kleo_one_third] One third [/kleo_one_third] [kleo_two_third] Two third [/kleo_two_third] [/kleo_row] [kleo_row] [kleo_one_fourth] One fourth[/kleo_one_fourth] [kleo_three_fourth] Three fourth[/kleo_three_fourth][/kleo_row]  

Icons Shortcode

You can generate FontAwesome icons right away: [kleo_icon icon=”fontawesome-icon” size={normal|large|2x|3x|4x}] [kleo_icon icon=”heart” size=normal]