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Chapter: Sidebar & Widgets

Setting a layout to specific page, Sidebar locations.

Setting a layout to specific page

If you’d like to show sidebar on specific pages only and not on all pages/posts, you can do this in the page editor in Post Options section. Here is how to show a sidebar on the right side of the content on a specific page: Go to WP Admin – Pages Edit the page you want to change the layout for. Go […]

Setting a layout template globally

This will set the default site layout but it can be overridden at page level when editing a page or post. 1. From the WordPress admin, go to Appearance > Customize. 2. From the Customizer left menu, go to Seeko options > Layout. 3. Choose sidebar left, right or full (no sidebar) layout.

Sidebar locations

Widgets allow you to customize different areas of the site. Seeko has 5 locations where you can add Widgets and you can see them in the image. Main Sidebar – will show in the page templates with left or right sidebar Footer column 1-4 – will show in the footer of the site Note: To enable the Footer section, just […]