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Chapter: Customising Theme

How to Change the Look and Feel.

Overriding a file with the child theme

You can override the parent theme files by copying them to the child theme and making any changes as needed. To do this you will need to connect to your host via SFTP/FTP or via your hosts file browser. Note: If you do not know your details to connect via SFTP/FTP then please contact your host for assistance. Download your […]

Saving Customizer Settings(Import/Export)

If after performing an action such as the following: Switching Themes Renaming Theme Activating Child Theme You notice that Customizer settings are lost or changed. This happens because Customizer settings are saved based on the active theme name. We recommend to export customizer settings and keep a backup just in case. For example, if you have been working with the […]

Introduction to the child theme

Child themes allow you to make small or large changes to the parent theme’s design or structure in an update safe way. Any changes made in the Our theme child theme override original files. To get started with using a child theme you’ll first need to have the Our theme theme installed, then install and activate the child theme that […]